Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Finding The Best Tutoring Programs For Children With Dysgraphia

Finding The Best Tutoring Programs For Children With DysgraphiaThere are lots of tutoring programs for children with dysgraphia out there. Unfortunately, there is no one program that will work for every child. However, there are a few things you can do to narrow down your choices.When looking for tutoring programs for children with dysgraphia, you have to consider how long the school has had experience teaching children with dysgraphia. If the school is new, the tutoring program may be based on an individualized educational plan, or EEP. This means that the children will need to be evaluated for dysgraphia before a program is scheduled and then they will continue it as they move through their school year. You have to be sure that the school has experience in EEPs.Your search should also focus on tutoring programs for children with dysgraphia that involve both group and individual tutoring. The best ones will also have a focus on English and reading. This allows for the child to devel op good writing skills. It also allows the child to get a grasp of basic sentence structure. That will help them to progress into higher levels of academic instruction and further studies.Another thing to look for when looking for a program for your child is whether or not it is a one-on-one tutoring program. If the school or program is designed for children with dysgraphia who also have learning disabilities, there should be a focus on integrating the two different learning styles. In other words, there should be a lesson plan that incorporates the child's strengths as well as their weaknesses. You can get that in some of the best programs. However, if it is just a one-on-one program that does not integrate them properly, it can be harmful.Make sure the school's program is guided by a person who is a certified education specialist. That person should have experience with dysgraphia and in teaching learning disabilities. He or she should be able to work with the teachers in the clas sroom. Also, he or she should have a strong work ethic and people skills.Children with dysgraphia sometimes show excessive or impulsive behavior. You want to make sure that your child's tutor has experience working with children who have this problem. The person should understand that children with dysgraphia can have very erratic behavior and that can be overwhelming to the teacher. When a child is overwhelmed by the wrong behavior, the teacher will probably avoid dealing with the problem in the future.Be sure to ask for referrals when it comes to who your tutor is from. You also want to know the credentials of your tutor and how long he or she has been teaching students with dysgraphia. There are some unscrupulous companies out there that will get you to pay for the first session only to tell you that you need to pay more for more sessions later. Look for schools that have a reputation for providing quality tutoring and don't be afraid to ask questions.As a parent, you want to kno w what your child is getting out of his or her experience with the tutor. You want to know what the potential impact is on the student. Your child's tutor should make you feel comfortable about the prospect of teaching children with dysgraphia.

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